To propagate tropical plants, you must know how to propagate tropical plants. For indoor gardening, the propagation of tropical plants helps you reproduce them for planting in more pots. Propagation is the easiest method to expand your plant collection free of cost.

How to Propagate Tropical Plant with tips and tricks
Tropical Plant Propagation Methods

Propagation of tropical plants does not require much work; you only need to follow some easy methods, which will help you expand your plants to make your house look cool. Stay connected until the end to dig into the details:

3 Methods on How To Propagate Tropical Plants

Tropical plant propagation can happen through numerous methods:

  • Air layering
  • Grafting propagation
  • Stem cutting method
  • Seed propagation
  • Rhizome division
  • Offsets propagation
  • Bulbs propagation
  • Leaf Cutting

The propagation method depends on the plant you are going to grow. Different tropical plants have different propagation methods, but some standard methods can be used for all tropical plants. I’ll describe three common methods from these methods.

Propagation By Stem Cutting Method

If you want the easiest method to propagate tropical plants, then stem cutting is that method. Follow the given steps to propagate your topical plant successfully:

  • Select a healthy stem plant; it will make the propagation successful.
  • View the plant from all angles and mark the cuttings using any dark ribbon.
  • Grab a cutter or knife and sanitize it before using.
  • Cut the limb below the node where the woody root is trying to spread alongside a leaf.
  • Now, you must eliminate the leaves and leave only 2-3 leaves on the limb.
  • Take a pot larger than the previous pot and place a cutting in it.
  • Fill the pot with suitable well-drained soil and water the plant.
  • Place it in a bright but indirect light, and the plant will start spreading its root after a few weeks.
  • Place the cutting into the jar if you want to propagate it into the water.
  • Fill the jar with water and place it in filtered light.
  • In this case, it takes a longer time to root.


  • It is cheaper than other methods.
  • This method provides more clones or plants.


  • Maybe it will face a lack of diversity.
  • The chance of disease in the cutting method increases.

Propagation Through Leaf Cuttings

It is one of the common methods that you can use to propagate tropical plants. Follow the steps given below to make your procedure successful:

  • Select a healthy plant with a strong stem and leaves.
  • Choose a leaf that you will cut for propagation.
  • Grab a knife and disinfect it first.
  • Cut the leaf near the base and place it separately from the plant.
  • Take a jar or glass and fill it with water.
  • Place the leaf in the jar or glass and place it in indirect or filtered sunlight.
  • It will take longer weeks to root than other methods.
  • After many weeks, when you see the roots spreading through the leaves, transplant it into the bigger pot.


  • It reduces the water loss in plants.
  • This method promotes the new leave’s growth.


  • If you cut them correctly, obtaining a new plant will become more complex.
  • It increases the risk of pests and diseases in a new plant.

Propagation Through Offsets/Pups

Follow these steps to propagate tropical plants through offsets:

  • Remove the whole plant from the soil and remove the soil from the roots.
  • After removing the soil, you will see pups and roots.
  • Take a knife and separate the pup from the mother plant carefully.
  • Make sure to take a pup that has some roots attached to it.
  • Now, plant this pup directly into the soil without any trouble.
  • Water it and place it into the bright-indirect light.


  • It is faster than other methods.
  • It produces identical properties.


  • This method increases the spread of disease from the mother plant to the pup.


Can You Propagate Tropical Plants In Water?

Yes, you can propagate tropical plants in water. It is an easy method that does not require much attention and work. Rooting the new cuttings into the water for new growth is one of the best methods, but it takes a little more time to root than the stem-cutting method.

Is It Possible To Put The New Cuttings Direct Into The Soil?

Technically speaking, you can put your cuttings any time into the soil. You can do this method directly, but remember that if you are doing it in outdoor soil, then provide a good balance of soil, fertilizer, atmosphere, and temperature for the cutting to grow ideally.


The propagation of tropical plants is not challenging to do. You only need to know which method will be best for your plant. I hope this article helped you know which method to choose for your favorite tropical plants. Make sure to follow the article steps you read here whenever you start propagation. Stay connected with us for the more valuable and best information.


  • Yousaf Khakwani

    Khakwani is a seasoned gardener and lawn care expert with over 13 years of experience in the field. He is a certified master gardener and passionate about sharing knowledge with others. Saifullah's writing provides practical tips and inspiration for creating beautiful, thriving gardens and lawns. When not gardening, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens, experimenting with new plant varieties, and spending time with the family outdoors.

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