If you have planted the Shrimp plants at your home, you may think to propagate them at some point. But understanding the propagation requires knowledge about methods and how to propagate Shrimp plants.

Shrimp plant is easy to care for and requires less effort for their optimum growth when you know about caring for Shrimp plant. Providing the proper conditions and environment is essential for its better propagation. The key to successful plant growth is to provide plenty of warmth and suitable temperature after propagation, so here is the complete information that will help you to propagate your shrimp plant.

Shrimp Plant Propagation

Shrimp plant needs care and attention when propagating. Two simple methods to propagate shrimp plants are;

  • Stem Cuttings Method
  • Division Method

If we compare both methods, stem-cutting is the easiest method to propagate shrimp plants.

Propagation By Stem Cutting Method

Here are the easiest steps to follow in the stem-cutting method:

Best and easy tips to propagate by division technique
Easy Tips to Propagate Shrimp Plant
  • Select and identify the healthiest and most mature shrimp plants.
  • After choosing the plants, separate them aside from the others.
  • You have to make cuttings from these plants, so select the cuttings that you want to make.
  • Mark the cuttings you like with red cloth or ribbon; it will help you remember which cuttings you have to cut.
  • Grab the cutter box and disinfect it, then start making the cuttings gently.
  • The cuttings must be three to five inches long; too small cuttings are useless because they will take too much time to grow.
  • After making the cuttings, make sure to get rid of all the leaves from the cutting. There must be only two or three leaves on the cutting.
  • Prepare the soil according to the requirement of the shrimp plant; moist and well-drained soil will be a perfect choice.
  • Grab a new pot, place the cutting in the bottom of the new pot, and start filling the pot with soil.
  • Tap the soil until it is damp and then cover the cutting and pot with a plastic bag.
  • Place the pot into the bright sunlight, but the light must be filtered or indirect.
  • Water the plant when the soil becomes dry, but not too much.
  • The shrimp plant will start developing its roots after a few weeks. When you notice that, remove the plastic bag from it and move it to the bigger pot.
  • Your shrimp plant will grow smoothly and efficiently if you care for its needs.


  • The plant will get maturity at an early age.
  • It leads to a faster start of cultivation.


  • It may cause infections and diseases in the new plant.
  • The plant might face a lack of diversity.

Propagation By Division Method

Here are a few steps to propagate your shrimp plant through the division method:

Best tips to propagate shrimp plant by division method
Easy Tips to Propagate Shrimp Plant by division method
  • Select the plant that you notice has grown out from the present pot.
  • Now, gently remove the shrimp plant from the pot and remove the soil from its roots to check for any disease or rotten roots.
  • Separate the plant into three or four parts and ensure that every part is attached to its roots.
  • Grab 3-4 pots and repot each part into the pot with suitable soil that the shrimp plant needs.
  • Water every part of the plant and then place all the pots into the bright but indirect sunlight for better growth.


  • It reproduces a single plant into many plants.
  • All plants have the same variegations as the mother plant.


  • It is a time-consuming method.
  • It needs a plant with a lot of stems.


1. Are Shrimp Plants Easy To Grow?

Shrimp plants are one of those plants that are very easy to grow and require less attention comparatively. It is a beautiful flower; it attracts butterflies and hummingbirds if you plant it in the garden.

2. What Is The Best Temperature For Shrimp Plants To Grow?

The hardiness zone between 8 and 11 is the perfect temperature for growing shrimp plants. Shrimp plant will grow effectively at 65 to 75 degrees F temperature in summer, but it needs 55-to-65 degrees F temperature in winter. The shrimp plant will die if the temperature falls below 45 degrees F.


Planting Shrimp plants and caring is relatively easier and easily propagates into new plants when followed by the right method. You can propagate Shrimp plants with stem-cutting or division methods. Each method has pros and cons, but stem cutting is a faster way to propagate overall. I hope that following the information and methods, I describe here helped you in the propagation of your shrimp plant. Stay connected for more details and valuable information about your favorite plants.


  • Yousaf Khakwani

    Khakwani is a seasoned gardener and lawn care expert with over 13 years of experience in the field. He is a certified master gardener and passionate about sharing knowledge with others. Saifullah's writing provides practical tips and inspiration for creating beautiful, thriving gardens and lawns. When not gardening, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens, experimenting with new plant varieties, and spending time with the family outdoors.

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