Pickle Plant is known for its pickle-shaped green leaves that look so cool inside an office or home. Do you know how to propagate pickle plants?

I am here with the methods of propagation of the pickle plants. The propagation of pickle plants is accessible using different methods like stem cuttings and division. You can also use the leaves of pickle plants for propagation.

Best Techniques to propagate pickle plant
How to Propagate Pickle Plant

Pickle Plant Propagation

This guide contains all the instructions for doing the process and getting good results. Let’s start with these methods of propagation.

Propagation Using Stem Cuttings in Soil

Use the following steps for the propagation with soil:

  • Select a healthy stem with few leaves.
  • Take off the bottom leaves from the selected stem. It is the part from where the roots will grow.
  • Leave the cutting and let it dry for one or two days.
  • Dip the bottom of the stem in the rooting hormone because it will boost the growth of roots. You can skip this step if you don’t have this powder.
  • Place the cutting stem into the soil and mist the surface.
  • Check the pot regularly and give it proper care when the roots start to grow.


  • Plant directly into the soil without keeping it in the water.
  • Worthy for mixing more than one variety in one pot.


  • The new plant may not retain variegation with the old ones.
  • The growth of roots is not visible.

Propagation by Division

You can split the root ball and re-pot the parts into new pots or containers by division propagation. For this, follow the below instructions.

  • Take out the pickle plant from the pot and remove as much soil as possible from the roots in a gentle way.
  • Don’t damage the roots of the plants.
  • Now select the part where you can divide. For this, choose a section that has some leaves and roots attached.
  • Separate the leaf and roots with your hands.
  • If the roots are knotted, cut them with a sharp knife or scissors to split the plant.
  • Bury them in a separate container.
  • Keep the pots in indirect sunlight.
  • Water once and wait until the roots start to develop.


  • New plants have variegation of the original plant.
  • Faster than the other process of propagation.


  • It requires a large part of the plant for considerable growth.

Water Propagation

Water propagation is the simplest method of propagation, and you can propagate pickle plants in water with the following simple instructions:

  • Select a healthy pickle plant site.
  • Cut the leaves at the bottom of the stem.
  • Dip the cuttings into the rooting hormone for better and vigorous growth.
  • Then place the stem into the water.
  • Check the pot regularly and change the water if needed.
  • Take out the cutting from the water when you see the growth of roots.
  • Take it out at the right time; otherwise, it will become difficult for the plant to survive in the soil.
  • Bury the root into the soil, cover them adequately, and wait for further growth.


  • The process is straightforward.
  • The growth of roots remains visible.


  • The cutting of plants may not have the variegation.
  • The growth rate of roots is prolonged.

Propagation from Leaf

Follow the below instructions for the propagation of the pickle plant from the leaf:

  • Cut the leaf from the plant carefully.
  • Place them on moist soil.
  • Put the container in a cool place.
  • After a few days, roots will start to develop.
  • Then bury the roots in the soil for further growth.


  • Require a small part of the plant.
  • Root growth is visible.


  • The process is prolonged.
  • Sometimes the leaf will not start to propagate due to some conditions.


Should I Prune A Pickle Plant?

There is no need to prune indoor pickle plants. But if you live in a southern climate or plant pickle plants outdoors, you may need to consider pruning if you want to avoid spreading the plant. However, do it in spring.

Does A Pickle Plant Need Sunlight?

Yes, sunlight is good for the growth of pickle plants. In bright and indirect sunlight, the pickle plants thrive well, and there will be no need to fertilize them to boost growth. They can survive in a pot for ears and may not need to re-pot them often, and if you want to do this, ensure the soil is properly draining.


Now you know how to propagate pickle plants, what you are waiting for, starting potting this little indoor plant. Depending on your feasibility, you can choose from division, leaves, water, and soil methods. Don’t forget to care for the pickle plant, as they require your love when growing up.


  • Yousaf Khakwani

    Khakwani is a seasoned gardener and lawn care expert with over 13 years of experience in the field. He is a certified master gardener and passionate about sharing knowledge with others. Saifullah's writing provides practical tips and inspiration for creating beautiful, thriving gardens and lawns. When not gardening, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens, experimenting with new plant varieties, and spending time with the family outdoors.

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